UAE reveals mandatory jobs to register employees under Wage Protection System
April 2023 (Arabian Business)
The WPS came into effect on April 1, and requires all facilities registered at the Ministry to pay the salaries of their workers at least once a month, or at the times stated in the employment contract, if less than one month, provided that this payment is according to the procedures and times specified in this decision. 
According to a Twitter post by the MoHRE, five domestic worker professions must be registered for WPS. These professions include:
- Personal
- healthcare provider
- Personal trainer
- Private agriculture engineer
- Personal tutor
- Personal PRO (Public Relations Officer)
Aside from this, the authority also listed 14 domestic worker professions where employers can decide whether to register them in the WPS. These professions include:
- Nanny/babysitter
- Household shepherd
- Housekeeper
- Household horse groomer
- Housemaid
- Physical labour worker
- Sailor
- Household falcon trainer
- Cook
- Farmer
- Security guard
- Gardener
- Personal driver
- Tamer
In July 2022, the UAE updated a number of rules under its WPS, to further ensure protection of workers and their salaries in the country.
The MoHRE had said that it would monitor companies through field visits and inspections, as part of the new resolution.
If found in violation of this, the authority said it would issue penalties on companies based on the company size, duration of delayed salaries, and number of employees facing the issue.